Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Ugh. I have the most confusing friend in the world.
But I don't want her to be my friend anymore.
I fight with you too much, and I act nice to you too much.
All of that for more bitching and humiliation.
Well I wish you were reading this because,
you're ruining my life.
Well, not anymore, I need to avoid you.
I tried to be friends with you.
Whenever we're alone, we have so many funny conversations and stuff.
But when there's cooler people around you, you have to:
Humiliate me.
Make me realize how much of a loser I am.
Try to make others notice how dumb I am...
...yet you do dumber things.
You try to show yourself off in front of me.
You try to point out all of my weaknesses and stupid things I said.
I'm sick of all of this. I can't believe I used to love you.
I don't even know if you were even faking anythig.
You are so

I know this is such an emo thing to say.
Just wanted to let you know how much of a disgrace you can be to me.
I want you to realize that.
Because as much as you forgive
you always forget.

And act so fucking stupid about it?!
I don't hate you. So don't hate me.
I don't want to ignore you. So don't hate me.
I don't want to make your life miserable. So don't hate me.
I want you to realize that you are the only person in my life that actually fucks it up.
That actually makes me almost make the worst decisions of my life.
That makes me think twice about you, and forget about the past, then brings it back.
That I ever loved then hated. Then liked. Then disliked.
I want you to know how goddamn confusing you are.

If you:

Don't know how to change yourself - Then don't talk to me ever again.
Get upset and brag about commiting suicide cutting or whatever - You're retarded.
Get furious about the last statement - Listen to "Don't try Suicide" by Queen.
Get mad just because you do half the time - I suggest you seek help. This is dead honest speaking I'm giving. Be proud.
Make my friends hate me - I hope they eventually realize what a retarded idea that is.

I might not be as cool as you or whatever. But You have to look at yourself.
Oh weed is nothing it's not addicting you'll be fine blah blah.
Like I said, LOOK AT YOURSELF, do you see the way you act so dumb, and don't tell me that you do it on purpose. Weed might not kill you, or make you sick.
But I goddamn know that it makes you stupid. It makes you do stupid stuff and stupid ideas.

Whatever. There is no reason why I should post this, but I just want you to know.
I'm sorry. And I hope you're crying.
Not in a bad way, but in a way to let you know how much you almost fucked my life up.
And still kindof are.

I'm sorry. And you should be too.

I don't feel like posting an end blog picture. I'm too fucking disgusted. :\

Once again, I change the way I think about you. Always be friends girl. :]

1 comment:

Ryan Hughes said...

How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I’m fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
