Thursday, June 7, 2007

Fellow Vikings Students...

If you think food fights on cartoons are overexadurated...


Although I didn't throw any food, Our team, Vikings Team decided to create RMS HISTORY.

First food fight in over 18 years.

Worst food fight EVER in history of RMS.

Our feild trip tomorrow is canceled.

No shit.

Dr. Smith was probably the only man not pissed.

"I'm too old to be sad."

"You pissed her off now!"


- Food Fight - 11:55 AM. June 7th 2007.

- EVERYONE must throw food so no EXACT person will get caught.

- Last day of lunch. Go as crazy as possible.

What apparently happened

- Harley Moran thew a carton of milk.

- Dan Stryker yelled the two magic words.

- Mrs. Klisch got assaulted and the kid who did it went to jail

- Some people have summer Saturday school

- Cops took Harley away

- No Yearbooks

- No 8th grade video for Vikings

What DEFINITELY Happened

- Stayed in lunch for over 15 more minutes with almost all of the teachers in the lunch room

- Vikings reported to auditorium at about 2:20ish

- Zoo Trip (planned on the 8th) CANCELED

- Refunds, but not soon

- Activities Assembly CANCELED

- Worst food fight in Ridley history.

- First food fight in over 18 years.

- Principle leaves job after this year, and leaves with one food fight she ever witnessed in her own school.

- If you stay home on the 8th, you will be written up for truancy.

- VIKINGS WILL HAVE TO BRING LUNCH TOMORROW. We no longer can go to the cafeteria.

I'll explain more later. If you want to know more IM artieACORNS 8D

I will repost this again as well. GO VIKINGS <3

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